Jaws Drop as Joe Biden Struggles to Remember & SF’s Shoplifting Hell | DIRECT MESSAGE | Rubin Report

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report discusses the most recent Joe Biden gaffe, a new Don Lemon clip from CNN that is the epitome of embarrassing journalism, how deep the New York Times will dig for dirt on Josh Hawley and insane shoplifting caught on camera in San Francisco. First Dave discusses the latest in a line of Biden gaffes or is it proof of his cognitive decline? While talking to the press it appears like Joe Biden can’t remember the name of his Defense Secretary or the Pentagon. Dave shares a clip of Don Lemon giving his take on the Meghan and Harry Oprah interview and shows what a great journalist he is by stating that we only need to hear one side of the story. Finally watch how bad San Francisco shoplifting has gotten after they decided to treat petty theft of less than $950 as a nonviolent misdemeanor. While Inside Edition was shooting at a Walgreens they even caught a shoplifter jumping over the counter into the pharmacy.

Corporate Media Hit By Layoffs As Trump Slump Means Democrats Have No Unifying Villain To Exploit

Corporate Media Hit By Layoffs As Trump Slump Means Democrats Have No Unifying Villain To Exploit. Ratings are tanking across all of the anti trump media outlets resulting in what they are calling the trump slump.

Donald Trump brought the Trump bump and ad revenue went through the roof. Now with Joe Biden in office most people are bored and uninterested in political goings on.

This means views are down, ad rates are down, and these woke leftist media outlets have nothing to milk for clicks. Meanwhile independent media seems to be on the rise with people like Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald making huge sums over at Substack.

Stacey Abrams: The Woman Trying to Destroy America’s Voting System | LevinTV

When Stacey Abrams ran for Governor of Georgia and lost, the Democrats cried foul and said that the election was stolen from her. Ever since, she’s worked tirelessly to undermine voter integrity in the state of Georgia and across the nation. The mainstays of voter confidence – voter ID, verifiable addresses, notarized signatures and in-person voting – have all been cast aside under the guise of the pandemic and civil rights. Now, as Mark reveals, Abrams and the Democrats want to impose a centralized voting system on the nation. And it isn’t for fairness. It’s for power as they seek to destroy the electoral system and the practices that have worked in the past.

Muslim Women Are Being Tortured and Raped in Chinese “Re-Education” Camps

Uyghur Muslim women are being tortured, raped, and forcibly sterilized in communist “re-education” camps (aka concentration camps) in China. Meanwhile, American companies are profiting from Uyghur forced labor. David Wood discusses the issue.

For the 2021 Open Doors World Watch List: https://www.opendoorsusa.org/wp-conte…​ For the BBC article quoted in this video (“‘Their goal is to destroy everyone’: Uighur camp detainees allege systematic rape”): https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-c…​ For the study from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (“Uyghurs for Sale: ‘Re-education’, forced labour and surveillance beyond Xinjiang”): https://www.aspi.org.au/report/uyghur…​ For the New York Times article (“Nike and Coca-Cola Lobby Against Xinjiang Forced Labor Bill”): https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/29/bu…

The Great Reset: Is Bill Gates TOO Powerful?

Bill Gates has been buying up 242,000 acres of farmland across the U.S. — enough to make him the top private farmland owner in America. With other billionaires such as Jeff Bezos also buying up land, should we be worried?

Project Veritas Video Leak PROVES Tech Execs Plan Censoring Conservatives, Even Threaten Republicans

Project Veritas Video Leak PROVES Tech Execs Plan Censoring Conservatives, Even Threaten Republicans. Salesforce, one of the biggest tech companies in the world is seen on video discussing the prohibition of messages that could incite political conflict. The executives even reference telling the Republican National Committee that they would not tolerate certain speech. The chilling nature of this is only expressed when you recognize the year of Antifa and BLM riots and the billions of dollars in damage that was completely overlooked. Much of this was fueled by fake news and media manipulation. If Salesforce only targets conservative ideas then people on the right will be economy restricted to such a degree they will struggle to ever resist far left ideology.