The religion of wokeness has virtually everything other religions have. It's got a strict and nearly-impenetrable code, an enforcement mechanism, an expert priesthood caste, sacrificial rites, and public atonement rituals. The only things missing are morality and forgiveness.
Caroline Victorin, som är gift med den svenske vänsterextremisten Johan Victorin, pekas nu ut som grundaren av den första amerikanska avdelningen av den vänsterextrema våldsorganisationen Antifascistisk aktion, Antifa.
2 weeks ago this tyrant was trying to destroy an old man's life for opening his barbershop to survive. Whitmer has destroyed lives and livelihoods and still won't open hair salons.
But here's Whitmer today, not social distancing, practically giving these dudes a lap-dance.
On May 28, 2020, President Donald Trump issued his “Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship.” What is the purpose of this executive order? How will the executive order affect tech giants like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram? David Wood discusses the problem that the executive order was meant to address (namely, the abuse by social media companies of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act) and how Trump’s executive order is supposed to correct the problem.
A deeply unsettling video recorded at a large solidarity rally shows leftists chanting back to a speaker all the ways in which they will promote one acceptable ideology. Tim and Adam unpack what it looks like, and what it means that leftism is now a religion.