The Democratic Party is being forced into taking ridiculous positions by its insane base. Defund the police! Dishonor the flag! Throw Christopher Columbus in a lake!
Cops Have Started RESIGNING En Masse Across The Country, Crime In The CHAZ SHOCKS Naive Leftists. In several departments across the country police are feeling demoralized and unsupported resulting in mass resignations. In Minneapolis 7 officers have just resigned and possible 6 or so more may be on the way out. But that number is only the official HR count. Police think that many more have simply walked off the job and won’t come back The results of this will be obvious as more and more departments thin out crime will increase and calls will go unanswered. Just like what is happening in Seattle’s “The CHaz” Naive leftists are shocked to find their belongings stolen, tires slashed, and people are being attacked. It may not be the end of the world but expect more crimes like this to come to your neighborhood unless we protect but also reform the police department. And by reform I mean gradual changes to help protest police and citizens. Democrats have been trying to reject the far left call to abolish police but the activist base is stronger and seems to be winning out.
Again I’ll say, the Left is overplaying their hand with extreme cancel culture and radical BLM agenda. The Silent Majority sees you, we know this isn’t about equality and rather about intimidation. We will remember in November.
History means nothing to today’s leftists. They want trophies mounted on the wall: Heads of old Confederate generals or pink slips for academics who defy them.
One of the demands of black America is better schools, resources and education for majority black communities. I agree. So ask your Democratic leaders to stop pumping illegal immigrants into already underserved and overburdened areas!
Just as the Islamic State ISIS claimed territory in Iraq and Syria, antifa militants have claimed territory in Seattle, Wash. According to reports on the ground from The Post Millennial’s Andy Ngo and Townhall’s Julio Rosas, protesters and antifa instigators have seized land in the Capitol Hill area around the Seattle Police East Precinct. Like ISIS, the rioters appear to have decided on setting up a government in their occupied territory, naming it “Free Capitol Hill.”
We were told the coronavirus was so deadly the government had to lock us down…until there was a more woke virtue for the left to signal. Further proof your government has lied to you: if the virus is as deadly as they told us, and Black Lives Matter…why gather black people together in one place where a virus can kill them?
Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Sean Hannity about free speech and how anyone who doesn’t bend the knee to the current progressive and Black Lives Matter groupthink is publicly shamed. Drew Brees has apologized for having the wrong opinion on NFL players kneeling during the national anthem. A writer from Vox apologized for originally criticizing calls to defund the police. Meanwhile the New York Times has parted ways with James Bennet for publishing an op ed from Tom Cotton. Progressives demand that there be no dissent against their woke ideology and all bend the knee. “I would much rather live as a free man and be hated than bow to people who want to control me”
Seattle Police SURRENDER East Precinct To Armed Far Leftists, 7 Block Radius Declared “Free Zone.” The police claim this is a deescalation tactic and that may be but it really seems like this is semantics. Seattle PD abandoned the department after claiming they wouldn’t and the far left moved in to create a 7 block area called the Capitol Hill Free Zone. It does seem a bit like these people are just LARPing but many are now taking up arms and wearing body armor. There are calls for armed guards to protect the barricades and local business have been forced to “disaffiliate” from the city. In other jurisdictions Prosecutors are outright refusing to charge rioters and protesters for crimes committed giving favorable law enforcement based on ideology. While we can mock these people it is important to note that this could be the start of something more dangerous if something isn’t done soon.