Joe worked with former segregationists, Trump didn’t. Joe praised former segregationists, Trump didn’t. Joe locked inner city minority young men into prisons, Trump didn’t. Joe said if you’re black and vote for Trump, then you ain’t black. Trump didn’t. Joe said he didn’t want his kids to grow up in a racial jungle, Trump didn’t. Joe said the black community isn’t as diverse as the Hispanic community, Trump didn’t. Yet somehow, Trump is racist, according to the TDS left.
Tim revisits a Michael Moore speech and talks about how voting for the outsized outsider is really going to feel especially good after years of media attacks on him and the many sane people in the country.
Minnesota’s largest newspaper, the Star Tribune, has endorsed Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) primary challenger, pointing out his “integrity and progress” as the main reason for their choice.
Don’t follow me because you think im some kind of hard core conservative. I’m an accidental conservative forced to jump ship because over the last decade my team has taken such a hard left that they’ve ended up somewhere between socialism & candyland with the bent of McCarthy
Tonight on Tucker Carlson discusses the leaked George Floyd bodycam footage that was deliberately withheld by AG Keith Ellison.
An MSNBC producer has left the network, and she cites many different reasons to quit working for these organizations, including some reasoning Tim has discussed about his experience with Vice News.
BLM Leftists Are Extorting Small Businesses, Vandalize Cuban Man’s Restaurant For Not Paying Up. In Louisville Black Lives Matter members are demanding cash payments to approved non profits, diversity training and hiring, and they demand the list of demands be placed in the storefront window. A local business owner refused so they showed up and vandalized his store now local cubans will be holding a counter rally decrying the violent “mafia tactics” used to force immigrants to bend the knee. Democrats have been ignoring these kind of mafia tactics, rioting, and insanity. The double standard cannot continue and these people need to be held accountable. What do you think will happen after we defund the police or abolish the police? These people will take over