Mail in Voter Fraud CONFIRMED But Democrats DENY And Lie Even As 1 Million Votes Compromised

Mail in Voter Fraud CONFIRMED But Democrats DENY And Lie Even As 1 Million Votes Discounted. Numerous stories of impropriety and inaccuracy weren’t enough but now we actually have 1,000 confirmed instances of double voting in Georgia. How many stories do we need that show mail in voting is completely broken? In one story a rental truck was seen dumping mail into a parking lot and apparently they did this more than one. According to the New York Times more than one million ballots arrived late which means they very likely will not be counted. In Georgia, even in the face of overt fraud, Democrats insist it is rare. But at this point the idea that mail in voter fraud is rare is an opinion based on your understanding of “rare.” If it happens in every election is it rare or is it confirmed? Trump should focus on inaccuracy instead of fraud as it is hard to prove intent.

Hundreds of Trump supporters driving into Portland, BLM rioters try to stop them, gets loads of mace

Hundreds of Cars & and pickup truck gathered at an Trump Support event – they decided to drive into Portland city. At the even Black Lives Matter protesters showed up, tensions between them and the Trump supporters. Some of the BLM protesters got maced at the event trying to prevent pickups from leaving. Later in the city they were trying to block the caravan of pickup trucks entering – instead of being run over, the Trump supporters riding on the bed of the pickups were kind enough to bath them in mace.