New Biden Videos LEAKED Triggering Democrat And Media PANIC, Fake News DESPERATELY Defends Joe Biden. The media cover up may be the bigger scandal and will go down in history for its brazen and overt actions. Democrats are clearly freaking out over the Hunter Biden Joe Biden laptop scandal. More videos are emerging confirming the authenticity of the information. Yet media outlets are doing everything in their power to hide the story or claim its a lie. Trump and Republicans now face an unprecedented challenge of defeating not just Democrats and joe Biden but every major media outlet that is now working at the behest of the crony democratic party establishment.
Senator Ted Cruz just called out Twitter and other social media companies for censoring a NY Post article that exposes Hunter Biden and Joe Biden being involved in corruption with China. WATCH Sen. Hawley SHOCK Dems with Hunter Biden Question at ACB hearings
Biden Email LEAK Shows Evidence Joe Biden LIED About Ukraine Dealings, Democrats Are Freaking Out. Democrats are corrupt and there is no two ways about it. In a trove of leaked emails published by NY Post from a computer purportedly owned by Hunter Biden, emails show Hunter using his family name and access to his then VP Father Joe Biden to make more money. In one exchange a Ukrainian Businessman from Burisma is thanking Hunter for introducing him to his father and giving him the opportunity to meet and spend time. Democratic allies in media are freaking out claiming its fake news. Facebook has announced they are censoring this story to prevent it from going far even though its from a reputable news source. Censorship is out of hand and the corrupt Democrats are desperate to steal back power by any means necessary. Trump and Republicans must win and reform section 230 to prevent this abuse
Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett gave a rare glimpse into how she’s responding to the personal attacks Democrats have been levying at her and made her haters look like idiots.
Trump Declassifies Documents Implicating Hillary Clinton, Democrats In Fabricating Russia Gate Hoax.The documents alleged that Hillary Clinton lied about Russian Collusion to distract the public from her email scandal. Democrats and their allies now claim that Trump is selectively releasing documents in order to gain political advantages. The argument is not without merit, it is October after all. But regardless if the reports are true then it suggests that Hillary Clinton may have either fabricated the whole hoax or at the very least the CIA and Obama knew that there were accusations of a fabricated hoax which would suggest Trump was NOT colluding with Russia. So why launch the Russia probe if they knew it would fail? The intelligence supposedly came from Russia which implies Russia wasn’t colluding with trump, unless you want to believe that Russia was faking intel leaks to the CIA which is a bit out there. Perhaps the Russia probe was just designed to sabotage Trump’s presidency.