Badass Dutch girl speaks out against modern day feminism and migration

At a party conference of new Dutch political party Forum for Democracy, a young lady with the name Eva Vlaardingerbroek gave a surprisingly refreshing speech in which she spoke out against modern day feminism. She stated that modern day feminism (also known as 3rd wave feminism) falls under the umbrella of cultural marxism. This speech has been translated into English.

Douglas Murray and His Continuing Fight against the “Madness of Crowds”

A little over 18 months ago, we interviewed author and columnist Douglas Murray about his then new book The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity. That show was one of our most-watched interviews of 2019, so we thought it was time to sit down with Douglas again and get an update on where things stand with regard to, as Douglas describes in his book, “the interpretation of the world through the lens of ‘social justice,’ ‘identity group politics’ and ‘intersectionalism’ . . . the most audacious and comprehensive effort since the end of the Cold War at creating a new ideology.” We also discuss European politics, examine Boris Johnson’s tenure as UK prime minister, and take a sobering look at American politics from the perspective of a very sharp observer.

YouTube’s Hate Speech Hypocrisy: Terrorists Protected, Critics Banned

According to YouTube’s Trust and Safety Team, Muslim YouTubers are allowed to threaten to exterminate ex-Muslims. But the Trust and Safety Team also declares in the Community Guidelines and the Monetization Guidelines that Muslims are a protected group, and that any speech that is likely to offend Muslims is “hate speech.” How did free speech and censorship become so incredibly distorted on YouTube? David Wood discusses the issue (with some help from the Apostate Prophet and Ali Dawah).

Jihadis Behead More Than 50 People in Mozambique

Jihadis beheaded more than 50 people in to villages (Nanjaba and Muatide) in Cabo Delgado province, Mozambique. The ISIS-linked group is attempting to establish an Islamic State in the Christian-majority nation. David Wood discusses the issue.

Trump Tweets Video EXPOSING Illegal Vote Buying From Biden Supporters Who Quickly Delete Evidence

Trump Tweets Video EXPOSING Illegal Vote Buying From Biden Supporters Who Quickly Delete Evidence. The video shows two women with one promising gift cards as prizes if people send in photos of them voting. While Democrats are claiming its a legal “get out the vote drive” according to the law offering cash incentives or something of value in exchange for voting or not voting is illegal. it doesn’t matter if you tell someone to vote to for someone specific or not to vote for someone, simply saying vote in exchange for prizes is a crime. While this is not definitive proof of Trump’s claims about the system being rigged it is still something that needs to be investigated and prosecuted. Bill Barr recently claimed that to date he has not seen evidence that would have changed the outcome but this doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist and it doesn’t mean he stopped investigating

If Jordan Peterson’s New Book Upsets You Watch This (Pt.1)| Douglas Murray | POLITICS | Rubin Report

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Douglas Murray (author of ‘The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity’) about what he learned from spending time with Antifa during protests in Portland, his thoughts on Trump’s voter fraud claims, and the take over of mainstream media by fragile woke millennials who cry at the announcement of Jordan Peterson’s new book Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life. First, Douglas shares his thoughts on the severe media bias that is pushing people like Bari Weiss out of the New York Times and Suzanne Moore out of the Guardian. He also has some harsh words for the woke millennial and Gen Z employees at Penguin Random House who were crying at the news that they would be publishing Jordan Peterson’s new book Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life. Douglas has some advice for how companies that have been taken over by diversity, equity, and inclusion, should deal with absurd employee demands.

I HATE MEN | Ep 261

Okay, not really. But the topic of today’s show is just that – a new book in France that is exploding in popularity: ‘I HATE MEN’ by Pauline Harmange. And with its embrace, feminism finally lets the mask drop to openly display its unabashed misandry.

Conservatives Shouldn’t Fear Social Media Censorship (Pt. 3)| Nicole Arbour | COMEDY | Rubin Report

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Nicole Arbour (Comedian) about her leaving the left story, horrible woke fake celebrities, and why she doesn’t fear Big Tech social media censorship. Nicole explains why she isn’t very worried about Big Tech and their censorship of conservatives on social media platforms. She also tries to explain why Canada voted in a leader like Justin Trudeau. She also shares who she trusts in these times where it seems wiser to trust no one.

CNN Runs Segment Saying Trump COULD STILL WIN, Democrats Oblivious As Trump On Track For EC Victory

CNN Runs Segment Saying Trump COULD STILL WIN, Democrats Oblivious As Trump On Track For EC Victory. Fareed Zakaria laid out how Trump could win if enough states are disputed and no candidate gets to 270 Electoral college votes. While Democrats are gloating that Trump is losing his lawsuits the EC path to victory moves forward. Republicans in many states have publicly stated they are disputing the results and this is enough to pull votes from joe Biden. So long as there are questions over election results this Trump is on track It doesnt mean he will win, it doesnt mean his chances are anywhere near good But he is still on track.

HARD Evidence Of Widespread Fraud Announced By Voter Audit Group, Media And Democrats STILL Deny It

Voter Watchdog Announces New Evidence Of WIDESPREAD Fraud, Democrats BACKTRACK Past Claims Of Fraud. This time the allegation is not just irregularity, it is fraud. The Voter Integrity Fund has announces they found over a thousand votes that seem to be using false addresses to vote. Some are mailboxes at commercial facilities and others are just commercial addresses. They claim that many of the votes appear to use “apt” on addresses to make it seem like real addresses. Democrats had previously claimed there was interference and/or fraud but now that they are projected to win the White House they are quickly pulling back. Trump does not seem to be on track for a contingent election victory but he is pushing forward. While many are slamming the campaign for absurd claims of grandiose schemes to shut down the election, even accusing republicans, some on the left are pointing out Trump is actually gaining ground.

FEC Chair Calls Election Illegitimate Due To Fraud, MORE Evidence Of Widespread Irregularity Drops

FEC Chair Calls Election Illegitimate Due To Fraud, MORE Evidence Of Widespread Irregularity Drops. Citing a lack of transparency the FEC official made the bold statements. But it is important to note that Trey Trainor, the official in question, is a Trump supporter and is the Chair of the FEC which does not deal with voter integrity. Regardless of his opinion however there is mounting evidence of widespread irregularity that needs to be investigated. Yet media is adamant the race is over and looking into the issues is wrong. They call Joe Biden President Elect even before we have certified the vote, while litigation is still underway, and the electoral college hasn’t even voted yet. Democrats should have no issue with an audit to prove that they won fairly and blocking the process only fuels Trump and Republican arguments that votes should not be certified. If this drags out too long then House Delegations will vote and Trump will win.