Trump Supporters Storming the Capital Reaction (Pt. 1) | Tulsi Gabbard | POLITICS | Rubin Report

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Tulsi Gabbard (former Congresswoman) about the storming of the Capitol building, why she fears a civil war is brewing, and what we can do to de-escalate the political polarization of our country. Tulsi discusses what it means that Trump supporters at the ‘Stop the Steal rally’ chose to storm the Capitol building and how we can start getting Republicans and Democrats to bridge the political divide. She also discusses how the ‘Securing America’s Election Act’ that she proposed could have prevented the political turmoil we find ourselves in. Tulsi also shares the reason she decided to step down from the House of Representatives.

Fauci lied to you AGAIN

Why are we blindly following the say-so of a man who has admitted to lying not once, but TWICE to the American people in order to manipulate us?

Mayor RESIGNS In Fear As Backlash ERUPTS Over COVID Lockdown, America Near Full REVOLT Over Lockdown

Mayor RESIGNS In Fear As Backlash ERUPTS Over COVID Lockdown, America Near Full REVOLT Over Lockdown. Democrats locked down their states destroying the economy and now people are becoming angry and desperate. Republicans may not be the ones who created the COVID lockdowns but they are currently obstructing the stimulus payments. People are tired of the restrictions and hypocrisy as Democrats defy their own orders.

Conservatives STOMP On Thin Blue Line Flag As Police Violate Constitution, Cops LOSING All Support

Conservatives STOMP On Thin Blue Line Flag As Police Violate Constitution, Cops LOSING All Support. Trump supporters and conservatives were fed up with police officers who attacked them as they rallied. Democrats and far leftists have defended or denied antifa for a long time. Progressives have even called to defund the police. But it is always the right waving the flag defending cops Now as police enforce unconstitutional edict even Trump supporters have had enough.

Revenge Of The Kraken!

You are witnessing an all-or-nothing struggle for the Presidency of the United States. This foreign internal defense sting operation has captured in real time the biggest criminal conspiracy in America history. The winner will control the fate of history for all time – the stakes couldn’t be higher.

Right Wing Protesters STORM Oregon Capitol Building Calling For Democrat Governor’s Arrest

Right Wing Protesters STORM Oregon Capitol Building Calling For Democrat Governor’s Arrest. Police beat back and sprayed right wing and Trump supporting protesters as people called them out for breaking their oath to the US constitution. COVID restrictions are set to get worse as a new mutant strain is reporting in several countries. As Trump supporters and right wing groups express outrage over the lockdowns and the destruction of the economy it seems that soon we may see some agreement between Conservatives and far left Antifa

Scientist: STRESS From Racism Is Killing Black People? | Ep 269

In today’s episode, we look at new research that alleges the stress of racism in America is so bad, that it actually causes negative health outcomes for black people. Then, a UK media watch dog says that the British media is getting more transphobic in its reporting by discussing issues that pertain to the political consequences of LGBT lobbying. Plus, the UN Women’s group jumps on the useless intersectionality bandwagon, and lefty writers think the Virgin Mary promotes purity culture.