Big Tech Censorship Backfires & Dems’ War on Small Business | DIRECT MESSAGE | Rubin Report
Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks about how the Big Tech social media ban on Donald Trump is beginning to backfire in other countries, Dr. Fauci’s prediction that life won’t return to normal until 2022 despite the COVID vaccine and Rep. Ro Khanna’s shocking admission that he doesn’t care if raising the minimum wage is bad for small business. Dave first discusses how Poland is creating legislation that will forbid Big Tech companies from engaging in social media censorship of conservatives. Deputy Polish Justice Minister Sebastian Kaleta said that under the new legislation, any platform that bans a user would face fines of $13.5 million unless the content is also illegal under Polish law. Sebastian referenced the social media purge and Trump being banned from Twitter as the inspiration for this law. Meanwhile, despite most people wearing a face mask, destructive lockdowns, and a coronavirus vaccine rollout Anthony Fauci now predicts normalcy might not return till 2022. What happened to two weeks to flatten the curve? Is it any wonder why people don’t trust science as much as our leaders would wish? Finally Representative Ro Khanna who is pushing what he considers fair wages by promoting a 15 dollar minimum wage seems unconcerned about the negative impact on small businesses. When asked if a minimum wage increase could hurt small businesses he outright says that we shouldn’t want low-wage businesses.