Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Brown university economist Glenn Loury about why it’s controversial for a black man to be against diversity and inclusion, affirmative action, and reparations. Glenn also shares his thoughts on why the narrative of systemic racism and racial disparities is wrong and how the Democratic party pushes lies to get the support of black voters. In this clip Glenn shares why he views himself as an independent and not a Republican or Democrat. He gives his thoughts on how Democrats have fanned the flames of the racism bogeyman in a cynical attempt to get more of the black vote. Glenn also explains how Barack Obama missed many opportunities to engage the country in an honest conversation about race. He also calls out Michelle Obama for saying that she fears for the safety of her daughters. Glenn demands that if African-Americans want to start eliminating these disparities they need to stop playing the victim. The victim mentality will only encourage society to lower the bar for what is possible from African-Americans.
MASSIVE Scandal About To Erupt As Fauci Admits Funding Went To Wuhan Lab, GOP DEAMNDS Fauci Be Fired. Dr. Fauci has consistently been wrong and flip flopped on the covid pandemic. Now after finally admitting US provided funding to the Wuhan Institute Republicans are demanding he be fired immediately. Lab leak hypothesis is gaining more and more traction and Trump may have ben right all along.
It turns out the NIH funded Chinese research into weaponizing coronaviruses, but no one is talking about it?! In this pilot episode, Liz Wheeler breaks down the connections between the possible COVID leak from a lab in Wuhan, Anthony Fauci’s funding for it from the NIH, and the bat lady that brought it all together. Also, in case you missed it, Gretchen Whitmer was caught violating her own COVID restrictions. Is anyone surprised?
Fauci Says COVID Lab Leak Possible, Media In FULL Panic Mode, Stealth Editing, Retracting “Debunks.” Media claimed Republicans, Tucker Carlson, and even other journalists were pushing debunked theories. Now as more news comes out about covid and the wuhan lab the idea of a lab leak has become mainstream. While democrats and media were adamant on claiming anything trump said is a lie, the world suffered for it.
The global utopia of Sweden is hitting all kinds of records again. Please stay safe and follow recommendations from global health authorities 🙏 Bless you all.
When we think about how Facebook and Instagram target ads towards us, we typically think of cold, clinical terms like “metadata”, “abstract analytics” or “the algorithm”. And whether you like targeted ads or find them uncomfortable, I’d bet almost no one gives enough thought to JUST how personal the ads we see are. In their most recent ad campaign, renowned private messaging app, Signal, exposed how social media companies “…collect everything they can from you, in order to sell visibility into your life,” and it is WAY creepier than ever you ever thought possible. Your privacy is of the utmost importance! Switch to a secure messaging app like Signal where possible, and use app extensions like Facebook Container on Firefox, or similar settings on Brave, to keep the algorithm from invading your private life!
A Pew Research Center study shows that 56.3% of young white liberal women have been diagnosed with a mental illness — about twice the rate of their conservative counterparts.
Meanwhile, most conservatives live in the kind of safe, kind, bountiful Utopia that Progressives say they want. Can we help our Liberal neighbors see that their dreams have already come true?
Many video makers are angry. Angry for being demonetized, deplatformed, or angry because major video platforms prioritize corporate content over independent creators. Fortunately, people have alternatives, and one that is really huge right now is called Odysee. With over 20 million active monthly users, it’s the hot new place to upload video content. And the technology it’s base on… is decentralized.