Media Ignore Million MAGA March Attacks & Bill Maher Warns Woke Dems | DIRECT MESSAGE | Rubin Report
Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks about the attacks on the Million MAGA march that were ignored by mainstream media, Anthony Fauci’s latest recommendations for face masks, Bill Maher’s scathing takedown of woke Democrats, and a member of Joe Biden’s transition team calls for hate speech laws. Dave first discusses how Trump supporters at Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington DC and in other major cities, became the targets of attacks by Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters and the media’s refusal to cover the story. Does anyone think that if Trump voters had attacked members of a BLM march that the coverage would be different? Meanwhile Dr. Fauci has recommended that all face mask wearing and social distancing must be followed even after a coronavirus vaccine is widely available. On Real Time with Bill Maher Bill did his best to explain to Democrats why identity politics and wokeness is turning off most centrist voters and could possibly destroy the party if they don’t change course. Finally Dave discusses Richard Stengel ,a Joe Biden transition team leader for US-owned media outlets who wants to redefine freedom of speech and make “hate speech” a crime. How has the Democratic party gone from being the party of free speech to the party of hate speech laws?