Election Audit Uncovers More Evidence Of Voter Fraud, CNN Says Trump’s Claims Are Fake News
MASSIVE Voter Audit Underway Uncovers Evidence Of Fraud But CNN Says Trump’s Claims Are Fake News. The Voter Integrity Fund has found thousands of potential instances of illegal ballots. On Laura Ingraham’s show Nahshon Garrett says that a ballot was cast in his name in Arizona but that he had moved to Tennessee to train for the Olympics. Someone else, he says, must have voted in his name. The VIF also found thousands of people who changed their addresses but then voted absentee for previous residencies suggesting either an illegal ballot cast or someone fraudulently voting in their name. Democrats and media keep saying the race is over and Trump should accept the results of the election, that Joe Biden is president-elect But Trump and Republicans are entitled to full legal recourse as outlined in the constitutional process and his supporters demand he fight to the bitter end.