Trump Was RIGHT And Project Veritas Proved It, MASSIVE Voter Fraud Uncovered In BOMBSHELL Report

Trump Was RIGHT And Project Veritas Proved It, MASSIVE Voter Fraud Uncovered In BOMBSHELL Report. In a new breaking expose Veritas uncovers a voter fraud scheme that could swing entire elections. A Republican operative has been exposed by James O’keefe and project Veritas harvesting ballots, changing senior citizens votes, and offering gifts. On camera this woman is seen changing a Seniors vote from Republican to Democrat and then bragging about how she does this. The actual motivation seems unclear. Why would a republican hire a woman to swing votes in favor of Joe Biden, MJ Hager, or Democrats? In the video she says that she tells them to vote Democrat except for the man she works for. A Republican.

New Biden Videos LEAKED Triggering Media And Democrat PANIC, Fake News DESPERATELY Defends Joe Biden

New Biden Videos LEAKED Triggering Democrat And Media PANIC, Fake News DESPERATELY Defends Joe Biden. The media cover up may be the bigger scandal and will go down in history for its brazen and overt actions. Democrats are clearly freaking out over the Hunter Biden Joe Biden laptop scandal. More videos are emerging confirming the authenticity of the information. Yet media outlets are doing everything in their power to hide the story or claim its a lie. Trump and Republicans now face an unprecedented challenge of defeating not just Democrats and joe Biden but every major media outlet that is now working at the behest of the crony democratic party establishment.